Photograph of Maria Libelt

Hi, I'm Maria

Recovering overthinker and a curious learner. I'm a self-taught designer with background in philology, bartending and film studies. People say I talk to dogs a little too much but being into canine behaviorism I take that as a compliment. I enjoy cooking vegan dishes because there's nothing as close to magic in this world as making raw potato taste great.

To recharge my batteries I spend time with my dog, cry my eyes out at movies or try not to loose my head reading four books at the same time. You can see some of that in the unfocused pictures* I take with my late grandma's point and shoot. In a parallel world I'd probably be an unhappy, overachevieng singer-violinist who's sometimes possesed by an awfully lazy couch-potato.

*that weird blur in the corner of like half of them is my finger